#include "Teddy/TeddyConfig.h"
#include "Teddy/Graphics/Color.h"
#include "Teddy/Maths/Vector.h"
#include "Teddy/SysSupport/StdString.h"
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Namespaces | |
namespace | Teddy |
namespace | Teddy::Imports |
Defines | |
#define | MAKE_ID(a, b, c, d) |
Generate long chunk id from four chars. More... | |
#define | LW_SF_LUMINOUS (1<< 0) |
#define | LW_SF_OUTLINE (1<< 1) |
#define | LW_SF_SMOOTHING (1<< 2) |
#define | LW_SF_COLOR_HILIGHTS (1<< 3) |
#define | LW_SF_COLOR_FILTER (1<< 4) |
#define | LW_SF_OPAQUE_EDGE (1<< 5) |
#define | LW_SF_TRANSPARENT_EDGE (1<< 6) |
#define | LW_SF_SHARP_TERMINATOR (1<< 7) |
#define | LW_SF_DOUBLE_SIDED (1<< 8) |
#define | LW_SF_ADDITIVE (1<< 9) |
#define | LW_SF_SHADOW_ALPHA (1<<10) |
#define | LW_PLANAR_IMAGE_MAP 1 |
#define | LW_CUBIC_IMAGE_MAP 4 |
#define | LW_AXIS_X 0 |
#define | LW_AXIS_Y 1 |
#define | LW_AXIS_Z 2 |
#define | LW_ALPHA_MODE_SHADOW 3 |
#define | LW_PROJECTION_UV 5 |
#define | LW_WRAP_RESET 0 |
#define | LW_WRAP_REPEAT 1 |
#define | LW_WRAP_MIRROR 2 |
#define | LW_WRAP_EDGE 3 |
#define | ID_FORM MAKE_ID('F','O','R','M') |
#define | ID_LWOB MAKE_ID('L','W','O','B') |
#define | ID_LWLO MAKE_ID('L','W','L','O') |
#define | ID_LWO2 MAKE_ID('L','W','O','2') |
#define | ID_LAYR MAKE_ID('L','A','Y','R') |
#define | ID_PNTS MAKE_ID('P','N','T','S') |
#define | ID_VMAP MAKE_ID('V','M','A','P') |
#define | ID_POLS MAKE_ID('P','O','L','S') |
#define | ID_CRVS MAKE_ID('C','R','V','S') |
#define | ID_PCHS MAKE_ID('P','C','H','S') |
#define | ID_SRFS MAKE_ID('S','R','F','S') |
#define | ID_VLUM MAKE_ID('V','L','U','M') |
#define | ID_VDIF MAKE_ID('V','D','I','F') |
#define | ID_VSPC MAKE_ID('V','S','P','C') |
#define | ID_VRFL MAKE_ID('V','R','F','L') |
#define | ID_VTRN MAKE_ID('V','T','R','N') |
#define | ID_RFLT MAKE_ID('R','F','L','T') |
#define | ID_EDGE MAKE_ID('E','D','G','E') |
#define | ID_SDAT MAKE_ID('S','D','A','T') |
#define | ID_IMSQ MAKE_ID('I','M','S','Q') |
#define | ID_FLYR MAKE_ID('F','L','Y','R') |
#define | ID_IMCC MAKE_ID('I','M','C','C') |
#define | ID_CTEX MAKE_ID('C','T','E','X') |
#define | ID_DTEX MAKE_ID('D','T','E','X') |
#define | ID_STEX MAKE_ID('S','T','E','X') |
#define | ID_RTEX MAKE_ID('R','T','E','X') |
#define | ID_TTEX MAKE_ID('T','T','E','X') |
#define | ID_LTEX MAKE_ID('L','T','E','X') |
#define | ID_BTEX MAKE_ID('B','T','E','X') |
#define | ID_TFLG MAKE_ID('T','F','L','G') |
#define | ID_TSIZ MAKE_ID('T','S','I','Z') |
#define | ID_TCTR MAKE_ID('T','C','T','R') |
#define | ID_TFAL MAKE_ID('T','F','A','L') |
#define | ID_TVEL MAKE_ID('T','V','E','L') |
#define | ID_TREF MAKE_ID('T','R','E','F') |
#define | ID_TCLR MAKE_ID('T','C','L','R') |
#define | ID_TVAL MAKE_ID('T','V','A','L') |
#define | ID_TFP MAKE_ID('T','F','P',' ') |
#define | ID_TIP MAKE_ID('T','I','P',' ') |
#define | ID_TSP MAKE_ID('T','S','P',' ') |
#define | ID_TFRQ MAKE_ID('T','F','R','Q') |
#define | ID_TALP MAKE_ID('T','A','L','P') |
#define | ID_TWRP MAKE_ID('T','W','R','P') |
#define | ID_TAAS MAKE_ID('T','A','A','S') |
#define | ID_TOPC MAKE_ID('T','O','P','C') |
#define | ID_TAGS MAKE_ID('T','A','G','S') |
#define | ID_PTAG MAKE_ID('P','T','A','G') |
#define | ID_ENVL MAKE_ID('E','N','V','L') |
#define | ID_CLIP MAKE_ID('C','L','I','P') |
#define | ID_SURF MAKE_ID('S','U','R','F') |
#define | ID_BBOX MAKE_ID('B','B','O','X') |
#define | ID_DESC MAKE_ID('D','E','S','C') |
#define | ID_TEXT MAKE_ID('T','E','X','T') |
#define | ID_ICON MAKE_ID('I','C','O','N') |
#define | ID_FACE MAKE_ID('F','A','C','E') |
#define | ID_CURV MAKE_ID('C','U','R','V') |
#define | ID_PRCH MAKE_ID('P','T','C','H') |
#define | ID_MBAL MAKE_ID('M','B','A','L') |
#define | ID_BONE MAKE_ID('B','O','N','E') |
#define | ID_SURF MAKE_ID('S','U','R','F') |
#define | ID_BNID MAKE_ID('B','N','I','D') |
#define | ID_SGMP MAKE_ID('S','G','M','P') |
#define | ID_PART MAKE_ID('P','A','R','T') |
#define | ID_STIL MAKE_ID('S','T','I','L') |
#define | ID_ISEQ MAKE_ID('I','S','E','Q') |
#define | ID_ANIM MAKE_ID('A','N','I','M') |
#define | ID_XREF MAKE_ID('X','R','E','F') |
#define | ID_STCC MAKE_ID('S','T','C','C') |
#define | ID_CONT MAKE_ID('C','O','N','T') |
#define | ID_BRIT MAKE_ID('B','R','I','T') |
#define | ID_SATR MAKE_ID('S','A','T','R') |
#define | ID_HUE MAKE_ID('H','U','E',' ') |
#define | ID_GAMM MAKE_ID('G','A','M','M') |
#define | ID_NEGA MAKE_ID('N','E','G','A') |
#define | ID_CROP MAKE_ID('C','R','O','P') |
#define | ID_ALPH MAKE_ID('A','L','P','H') |
#define | ID_COMP MAKE_ID('C','O','M','P') |
#define | ID_IFLT MAKE_ID('I','F','L','T') |
#define | ID_PFLT MAKE_ID('P','F','L','T') |
#define | ID_PRE MAKE_ID('P','R','E',' ') |
#define | ID_POST MAKE_ID('P','O','S','T') |
#define | ID_KEY MAKE_ID('K','E','Y',' ') |
#define | ID_SPAN MAKE_ID('S','P','A','N') |
#define | ID_CHAN MAKE_ID('C','H','A','N') |
#define | ID_COLR MAKE_ID('C','O','L','R') |
#define | ID_DIFF MAKE_ID('D','I','F','F') |
#define | ID_LUMI MAKE_ID('L','U','M','I') |
#define | ID_SPEC MAKE_ID('S','P','E','C') |
#define | ID_REFL MAKE_ID('R','E','F','L') |
#define | ID_TRAN MAKE_ID('T','R','A','N') |
#define | ID_TRNL MAKE_ID('T','R','N','L') |
#define | ID_GLOS MAKE_ID('G','L','O','S') |
#define | ID_SHRP MAKE_ID('S','H','R','P') |
#define | ID_BUMP MAKE_ID('B','U','M','P') |
#define | ID_SIDE MAKE_ID('S','I','D','E') |
#define | ID_SMAN MAKE_ID('S','M','A','N') |
#define | ID_RFOP MAKE_ID('R','F','O','P') |
#define | ID_RIMG MAKE_ID('R','I','M','G') |
#define | ID_RSAN MAKE_ID('R','S','A','N') |
#define | ID_RIND MAKE_ID('R','I','N','D') |
#define | ID_CLRH MAKE_ID('C','L','R','H') |
#define | ID_TROP MAKE_ID('T','R','O','P') |
#define | ID_TIMG MAKE_ID('T','I','M','G') |
#define | ID_CLRF MAKE_ID('C','L','R','F') |
#define | ID_ADTR MAKE_ID('A','D','T','R') |
#define | ID_GLOW MAKE_ID('G','L','O','W') |
#define | ID_LINE MAKE_ID('L','I','N','E') |
#define | ID_ALPH MAKE_ID('A','L','P','H') |
#define | ID_AVAL MAKE_ID('A','V','A','L') |
#define | ID_GVAL MAKE_ID('G','V','A','L') |
#define | ID_BLOK MAKE_ID('B','L','O','K') |
#define | ID_LCOL MAKE_ID('L','C','O','L') |
#define | ID_LSIZ MAKE_ID('L','S','I','Z') |
#define | ID_CMNT MAKE_ID('C','M','N','T') |
#define | ID_CHAN MAKE_ID('C','H','A','N') |
#define | ID_TYPE MAKE_ID('T','Y','P','E') |
#define | ID_NAME MAKE_ID('N','A','M','E') |
#define | ID_ENAB MAKE_ID('E','N','A','B') |
#define | ID_OPAC MAKE_ID('O','P','A','C') |
#define | ID_FLAG MAKE_ID('F','L','A','G') |
#define | ID_PROJ MAKE_ID('P','R','O','J') |
#define | ID_STCK MAKE_ID('S','T','C','K') |
#define | ID_TAMP MAKE_ID('T','A','M','P') |
#define | ID_TMAP MAKE_ID('T','M','A','P') |
#define | ID_AXIS MAKE_ID('A','X','I','S') |
#define | ID_CNTR MAKE_ID('C','N','T','R') |
#define | ID_SIZE MAKE_ID('S','I','Z','E') |
#define | ID_ROTA MAKE_ID('R','O','T','A') |
#define | ID_OREF MAKE_ID('O','R','E','F') |
#define | ID_FALL MAKE_ID('F','A','L','L') |
#define | ID_CSYS MAKE_ID('C','S','Y','S') |
#define | ID_IMAP MAKE_ID('I','M','A','P') |
#define | ID_IMAG MAKE_ID('I','M','A','G') |
#define | ID_WRAP MAKE_ID('W','R','A','P') |
#define | ID_WRPW MAKE_ID('W','R','P','W') |
#define | ID_WRPH MAKE_ID('W','R','P','H') |
#define | ID_VMAP MAKE_ID('V','M','A','P') |
#define | ID_AAST MAKE_ID('A','A','S','T') |
#define | ID_PIXB MAKE_ID('P','I','X','B') |
#define | ID_PROC MAKE_ID('P','R','O','C') |
#define | ID_COLR MAKE_ID('C','O','L','R') |
#define | ID_VALU MAKE_ID('V','A','L','U') |
#define | ID_FUNC MAKE_ID('F','U','N','C') |
#define | ID_FTPS MAKE_ID('F','T','P','S') |
#define | ID_ITPS MAKE_ID('I','T','P','S') |
#define | ID_ETPS MAKE_ID('E','T','P','S') |
#define | ID_GRAD MAKE_ID('G','R','A','D') |
#define | ID_GRST MAKE_ID('G','R','S','T') |
#define | ID_GREN MAKE_ID('G','R','E','N') |
#define | ID_SHDR MAKE_ID('S','H','D','R') |
#define | ID_DATA MAKE_ID('D','A','T','A') |
#define | ID_TXUV MAKE_ID('T','X','U','V') |
#define | ID_MNUW MAKE_ID('M','N','U','W') |
#define | ID_MORF MAKE_ID('M','O','R','F') |
#define | ID_SPOT MAKE_ID('S','P','O','T') |
#define | ID_RGBA MAKE_ID('R','G','B','A') |
#define | ID_PNAM MAKE_ID('P','N','A','M') |
#define | ID_INAM MAKE_ID('I','N','A','M') |
#define | ID_GRPT MAKE_ID('G','R','P','T') |
#define | ID_FKEY MAKE_ID('F','K','E','Y') |
#define | ID_IKEY MAKE_ID('I','K','E','Y') |
Definition in file lwdef.h.
Definition at line 284 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 245 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 202 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 269 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 181 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 251 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 206 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 156 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 234 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 179 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 244 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 241 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 254 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 270 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::readTextureMap. |
Definition at line 205 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 135 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 275 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::readTextureMap. |
Definition at line 150 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 182 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 226 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 151 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 145 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 260 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 178 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 274 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::readTextureMap. |
Definition at line 316 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 262 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 148 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 291 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 209 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 232 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 246 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
GRADIENT * Definition at line 297 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::applyAttributes, and Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 299 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 315 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 298 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 208 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 184 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 214 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 317 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 279 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
IMAGE MAP * Definition at line 278 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::applyAttributes, and Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 149 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 147 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 314 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 201 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 220 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWEnvelope::processEnvelope. |
PRIMARY CHUNK ID * Definition at line 130 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 247 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 155 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 227 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 126 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 127 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk, and Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 125 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk, and Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 308 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::vertexMapping_ID4_U2_S0_d. |
Definition at line 309 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::vertexMapping_ID4_U2_S0_d. |
Definition at line 259 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWEnvelope::processEnvelope. |
Definition at line 210 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok, and Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 261 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 273 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::readTextureMap. |
Definition at line 136 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 215 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 285 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 313 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 131 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 133 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 219 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWEnvelope::processEnvelope. |
ENVELOPE SUB-CHUNK * Definition at line 218 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWEnvelope::processEnvelope. |
PROCUDUAL TEXTURE * Definition at line 288 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::applyAttributes, and Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 263 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 177 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 229 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 144 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 237 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 311 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::vertexMapping_ID4_U2_S0_d. |
Definition at line 238 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 240 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 272 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::readTextureMap. |
Definition at line 239 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 153 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 207 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 146 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
SHADER PLUGIN Definition at line 302 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::applyAttributes, Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok, and Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 233 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 235 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 271 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::readTextureMap. |
Definition at line 236 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 221 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWEnvelope::processEnvelope. |
Definition at line 228 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 310 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::vertexMapping_ID4_U2_S0_d. |
Definition at line 137 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 204 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 264 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 152 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
IMAGE SUB-CHUNK ID Definition at line 200 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWClip::processClip. |
Definition at line 172 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 176 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 170 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 265 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok, and Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 164 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 160 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 183 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::processChunk. |
Definition at line 161 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 158 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 166 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 169 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 243 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 167 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
TEXTURE MAPPING * Definition at line 268 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 173 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 230 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 163 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 231 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 242 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 159 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 168 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 154 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 165 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 162 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 171 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
VERTEX MAPPING Definition at line 307 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWLayer::vertexMapping_ID4_U2_S0_d. |
Definition at line 290 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 139 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 138 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 141 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 140 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 142 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::processSubChunk. |
Definition at line 280 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 282 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 281 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::processBlok. |
Definition at line 89 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::getMapType, and Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::LWTexture. |
Definition at line 87 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::getMapType, and Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::LWTexture. |
Definition at line 86 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::getMapType, and Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::LWTexture. |
Definition at line 113 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::applyImageMap, Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::applyTexture, and Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::LWTexture. |
Definition at line 111 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::applyImageMap, Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::applyTexture, and Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::LWTexture. |
Definition at line 114 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::applyImageMap, and Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::applyTexture. |
Definition at line 110 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::applyImageMap, Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::applyTexture, and Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::LWTexture. |
Definition at line 112 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::applyImageMap, Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::applyTexture, and Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::LWTexture. |
Definition at line 115 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurfaceBlok::applyImageMap, and Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::applyTexture. |
Definition at line 88 of file lwdef.h. Referenced by Teddy::Imports::LWSurface::getMapType, and Teddy::Imports::LWTexture::LWTexture. |
Value: ((unsigned long) (a)<<24 | (unsigned long) (b)<<16 | \ (unsigned long) (c)<<8 | (unsigned long) (d))