- Rendering architecture should be improved so that it knows and uses vertex arrays (including compiled vertex arrays and NVidia stuffs) - At the moment Teddy uses very unoptimized rendering, no vertex arrays.
Update: Display lists are now being used by Models::Geometry
- Rendering architecture should be improved so that it knows how to get best performance when handling materials. Applying different material means OpenGL state change, which is usually slow.
- Rendering architecture should be improved so that it knows how to do multiple depth buffer passes, or something, to get rid of limited depth buffer precision.
- I would like to have alpha blending effects like explosions and engine glows added to the rendering architecture. Some of these need that vertices are manually projected to screen coordinates.
Update: There is simple sprite support now in TeddyTests/TestEvents, Enable with --glow startup option. Still buggy
- Texture support needs testing and improving. Multitexturing is not yet used.
- A proper installer for both Win32 and linux would be nice; there is none for either at the moment.
Update: Linux scripts are now a bit better.
- The physical user interface component class hierarchy is very experimental. It would be nice to get something robust out of it eventually. It might be a good idea to get some basic components working 'soon', as they potentially could help development.
Update: Since 1.78 area layout code is improved.
- The existing code does not pay much attention to memory leaks (which are guaranteed to exist). Destructors should be properly implemented at some point.
Update: I've run Teddy with Valgrind, and found fewer leaks than I expected :)
- The whole source would benefit from refactoring.
- Documentation can always be improved.