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Latest modifications to this site March 11th 2010:
After five years of silence, I got back on Sourceforge.
I have now marked Teddy project as inactive. I am working
on something similar, and I will add link here when I have
something to show.
Teddy was a 3D graphics library. The main purpose was to be a simple scene graph manager. Here is a brief list of main features:
Teddy as it was has almost been discontinued. Teddy was fun and really educational while it lasted. I no longer have time or interest developing such a library, other interests have higher priorities now.
Version 1.81 is the last public release, but it has a huge number of bugs and misfeatures. I would not recommend anyone to use Teddy any longer. A good alternative would be Ogre.
I do have a much improved version of Teddy, which was never publicly released. It does not do any graphics though, it only can parse LightWave files.
Download old Win32 Demos:
Teddy was, at the time of active development, tested on GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and Microsoft Windows operating systems. Teddy strictly required one external library, the Simple Directmedia Layer. Other libraries were not strictly needed, but highly recommended. Below is list of libraries that Teddy used:
It is quite likely that trying to build Teddy on modern setups fails.
You can contant me through email, tksuoran at gmail.com.